LÄBI LINNA: Valga+Valka

Baltic-Nordic Community Theatre Conference

1.-3. October 2021. Tartu, Estonia.


A day of listening and discussions.

9.30 Welcome coffee and snacks

10.00-10.15 Madli Pesti “Introduction to the concept of community theatre”

10.20-12.30 Community theatre through the eyes of practitioners:

10.20 The Association for Estonian Theatre and Drama Education (Estonia)

10.40 Paide Theatre, Jan Teevet (Estonia)

11.00 LÄBI LINNA, Jaanika Tammaru (Estonia)

11.20 Ieva Niedre (Latvia)

11.55 Denisas Kolomyckis (Lithuania)

12.30-13.10 Panel discussion

13.15-14.15 Lunch

14.15-17.00 Community theatre through the eyes of practitioners:

14.15 Anni Pelikka, Eveliina Heinonen (Finland)

14.55 Odin Theatre, Kai Bredholt (Denmark)

17.00-17.30 Panel discussion


A day for work.

09.30 Welcome coffee and snacks

10.00-16.15 Workshops:

10.00-11.30 Aivar Simmermann - Group dynamics

10.00-11.30 Anni Pellikka & Eveliina Heinonen - Art of Listening - Playing back the present

11.45-13.15 Aivar Simmermann - Ethical issues in community interventions

11.45-13.15 Denisas Kolomyckis -Performance art as a tool for democracy

13.15-14.15 Lunch

14.15-16.30 Ieva Niedre & Edgars Nikalsons - Community theatre: journey beyond the words

14.15-16.30 Kai Bredholt (Odin teater) - The performer as an artistic generator

16.30 - 17.30 Crazy pitch, feedback, coffee


A day for experience.

10.30 Welcome coffee and snacks

11.00 -13.30 THROUGH THE CITY, a stroll in Karlova district (starting point from Loomemajanduskeskus. Dress code: according to the weather&comfortable shoes!)

13.30-14.30 Lunch

14.30-15.55 THROUGH THE CITY Supilinn. A gathering for ideas. Start from Loomemajanduskeskus.

16.00-...“Banquet for poetry and songs”

On the swingsquare in Supilinn.

Conference is held in the framework of THROUGH THE CITY project in cooperation with The Association for Estonian Theatre and Drama Education and supported by Nordic Culture Point.

Liitu uudiskirjaga.

☑ Jah, tahan olla esimene, kes uutest asjadest kuuleb. Kirjutame harva, ainult olulistel teemadel.